quarta-feira, 31 de agosto de 2016

Sacando na HashFlare, Bitsler e Grupos no Telegram

Bitsler: https://www.bitsler.com/?ref=bitcoinfacil

HashFlare: https://hashflare.io/r/A4B6FAF3-BFB


Grupos Telegram:

Bitcoin Fácil BR: https://telegram.me/joinchat/DnO_-D_q9snOMJ8ZpJNWlw



Goldmoney - Faça seu cadastro completo e ganhe gramas de ouro grátis.


Um comentário:

  1. YoBit lets you to claim FREE CRYPTO-COINS from over 100 different crypto-currencies, you complete a captcha one time and claim as many as coins you can from the available offers.

    After you make about 20-30 claims, you complete the captcha and continue claiming.

    You can press claim as many times as 50 times per one captcha.

    The coins will held in your account, and you can convert them to Bitcoins or USD.
